Static Tables – Freediving training

Static Tables – Freediving training

Static tables are sequences of timed static breath holds with no movement during the breath hold. They are designed specifically for accustoming the body to the extreme conditions of lack of oxygen or excess carbon dioxide. As it is probably obvious, what makes us breathe is high level of carbon dioxide. If we want to […]

Turkey’s record-holding female free diver pushes limits of mind, body

Free diving is a perilous passion: The diver has no tank and is required take a deep breath and dive as deep as possible. A mother of two, Derya Can, a Turkish female national diver, recently set a new Guinness World Record for the longest free dive under ice by diving 120 meters horizontally under […]

Freediving and nutrition

Freediving and nutrition

As in every sport, professional or not, diet and nutrition can make a huge difference in the performance. Freediving is no exception. Like many have experienced, freediving can make you skinny quite fast. Going through high levels of hypoxia while diving to extreme depths burns a lot of calories. The right nutrition can help you […]

Apnea Diver 2 is on the App Store!

Apnea Diver 2 is on the App Store!

Apnea Diver 2 provides you with more enjoyment in the use of our application. We have created new features which will open new possibilities for all Apnea Diver users. In version 2 we have also paid special attention to improving the stability of work, so that more reliable operation is provided. What separates us from […]

Short history of freediving – the magic of the deepest blue

Short history of freediving – the magic of the deepest blue

Freediving is a form of diving underwater, without the help of a breathing apparatus, but by holding one’s breath. What is this that makes it so unique and intriguing though? Is it the sense of complete calm that the depths give us, the peace and harmony we get in the water, the unity with ourselves […]